The Spirit of the Season
At this time of year we’re all busy with what at times seems like a million things to do. We have to plan gatherings with family and friends, we have to check names off our gift list as each present is made or bought, and we have a bunch of other details to oversee. But it’s fun because we are preparing for a season of joyful living and sharing. A season of love. A season to be grateful for the joy in our lives. The bright lights and color all around us warm our hearts and lift our spirits. It seems that people smile more easily at strangers and are more eager to lend a hand to friends or to those who are less fortunate. And we are more ready to forgive. We live the Spirit of the Season. And, I suppose, because we know that this season of joy will end much too quickly, we are more aware than at any other time of the year of the importance of living each moment to the fullest.
Those of us fortunate enough to have grandchildren to share Christmas with know that we are rich no matter the balance in our bank account. After all, Christmas is first and foremost for the children. And their contagious sense of wonderment at the goings-on keeps us young in spirit and heart as it teaches us the simple joys that make life worth living.
In a way, the Christmas season is a time of year when we all become a little like children. We rejoice and find comfort in traditions, and put aside our problems and worries to concentrate on joy and love. And, like children, we find ourselves wishing it would last a little longer.
May your Christmas be very special. May the Spirit of the Season be with you long after the decorations have been once again safely stored away for next December.
I’m taking a few weeks off to take care of my to-do list and to celebrate with my family. I will return to my blog in January.