Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Looking around at today’s grandmothers, one can’t help but see how the passage of years has altered things. I mean, they don’t make grandmas like they used to. In my days, grandmas stayed at home and seemed to cook all day. By comparison, today’s grandma is out there in the world doing her own thing. Yesterday’s grandma seemed to be forever wearing the “house dress” while today’s grandma blends in with the rest of the crowd whether in a silk suit or a jogging outfit. Yesterday’s grandma wore glasses. Chances are that today’s grandma wears contact lenses while her children are getting used to reading glasses.

At one point my granddaughter wanted to know why only grandfathers have grey hair, and not grandmas. Yesterday’s grandma had white hair while today’s grandma runs to her colorist as soon as grey roots begin to show.  And that’s not the only time she runs. Keeping in shape by walking, jogging, cycling or swimming is a must for most of today’s grandmas while yesterday’s grandmas were too busy keeping in shape doing housework to ever consider the idea of a gym.

Things have changed for older women. While in the past they had few options outside the home, today the sky’s the limit. I know a delightful 83-year-old great-grandmother who creates wonderful paintings. She says it keeps her young at heart, which it surely does. The amazing thing is that she started to take art lessons at the age of 77.

And you thought you were too old to learn something new!