Wednesday, September 26, 2018

I recently had to visit my dentist after an old filling fell out. I have been seeing the man for over 25 years, so I am very much at ease when I go. However, that was not always the case. When I first went to him, I was especially nervous due to past experiences with dentists. He saw the signs and quickly helped me to relax with his calming manner. Although I must say I still do not relax as much as a friend who takes full advantage of the comfortable chair to nap while her dentist goes to work. It’s something I simply don’t understand.
            In any event, on my recent visit I commented to my dentist that he certainly has no reason to be afraid of dentists. To my surprise he confessed that he is so nervous when he needs dental care that he delays visits to his own dentist as long as he can. I found that amazing, but not as amazing as the confession that followed.
            He told me that a few years back he removed two of his wisdom teeth himself so uncomfortable is he with his dentist. He detailed for me how he managed to freeze his gum and hang a mirror so he could pull out his own teeth. You have to be really scared of dentists, at least more than I am to go that route.
            That a dentist is afraid of dentists is not that surprising, it seems. It is somewhat akin to doctors and nurses being terrible patients. They only concentrate on the worst cases they have seen, forgetting all the positive elements of their professions.
            People in all walks of life do that, don’t they? I mean forget about the good things in their lives and concentrate on the negative. Somewhat like forgetting that the sun will rise again after a rainy day. It always does, no matter how dark the world.