Sunday, January 6, 2019

.... to all those who read my blog

 Here we are: another new year. No matter how many we have experienced so far, this one like all the others gives us hope at this new beginning. We are ready to make positive changes in our lives so we formulate resolutions that will lead to better health and a better overall life.
            However, as experience has taught us, resolutions have a way of being short lived. We hold on for a week or two then let go and forget about the promises we made to ourselves. That is not surprising. Research shows that it takes 21 days for a change in behaviour to be effected. That is a full three weeks. After that it should become part of the routine of life.
            But, even if we fail in implementing our resolutions, try and try again should be our motto.  
            I know a fellow who makes a resolution to clean up his language every January, something he’s been doing for a few years now. While he still swears I must say he has improved and utters fewer spicy words now than he did a couple years ago. I suppose that subconsciously he reminds himself of his resolution from time to time, and it can only lead to success in the future.
            I believe that it’s not such a bad idea to keep repeating the same resolution throughout the year because the aim stays in our consciousness. We can still hope to succeed in losing those extra pounds if we keep reminding ourselves that baby steps do bring eventual success.  
            Certainly worth a try!