Wednesday, November 11, 2020


Free to Remember

This November we are free to remember the sacrifices of those who served to ensure our freedom because they did serve. How often do we stop to think about all those who gave up so much for so many of us?

The first time I went to Europe some years ago, I visited two military cemeteries honoring fallen soldiers. The white crosses all in a row as far as the eye could see brought tears to my eyes. A cross for every young man who gave his life for the rest of us. We don’t often think of them but we should. And we should never forget the veterans who came home after giving their all for peace. We owe them an immense debt.

At the ceremonies honoring veterans, we see the dwindling number of older men who served in older wars, but we can’t ignore how many younger veterans there are these days. The ranks of young men and women who served their country in varied far-away places with honor keep growing. Let’s show them we appreciate their sacrifice. That’s the least we can do.  

This November, let’s pay homage to all those who ensured our freedom and make sure our children and grandchildren understand the importance of remembering and paying homage.

Lest we forget, lest they forget.