Dazzling the Grandchildren
Unlike a couple of generations ago when people did not move as often and as far as people do today, grandparents usually lived within easy distance from their children and grandchildren. Today many of us must accept that more often than not we have long-distance relationships with our family members. We may miss not seeing them regularly however, as we all know, we make up for it when we do spend time with our loved ones.
There are many ways of keeping in touch and being part of our grandchildren’s lives no matter how young they are and how far they live. With today’s communications tools, there are many choices available, and since children seem to learn computer skills in a flash, it’s a question of finding what we like best. E-mailing is, of course, an easy way to write to our grandchildren on a daily basis. And it can become an interesting learning tool because their replies will help them formulate their thoughts into words.
But, being from an older generation, I find there is something to be said for the old-fashioned snail mail. Immersed in a world of non tangible communications, youngsters love having a letter or a card they can touch and show around to the rest of the family. To say nothing of it being a source of pride when talking with their friends.
And the telephone is the fastest and shortest mean of bringing everyone close no matter the distance that separates them. A call at a regular day and time will be something the grandkids—and grandparents—are sure to look forward to.