Going with the Flow
A woman I considered my aunt, but who was in fact my father’s cousin, passed away recently at the age of 105. She did not have a disease per se, she simply left peacefully in her sleep. What an ideal way to go!
I always admired her philosophy. She said that the past should remain in the past and not be rehashed. And the future? It will take care of itself, she’d say. She went with the flow, today’s flow. That’s what was important to her.
When she was in her 80s, she would run errands for “the old people” who had problems getting around. She needed to help others, to be of service, and always had a bright smile. She was not rich by any means, but she had a recipe for a rich happy life: Don’t worry and go with the flow.
I would stop by to visit with her from time to time. I remember going to see her one day when she was 90. She wasn’t in her apartment and I was told: It’s Wednesday, she’s gone to her exercise class. Sure enough she was ambling down the street of the small town where she lived to make the most of every moment. It can be argued that she was graced with good genes, which she no doubt was, but there was more: she made it a point to enjoy life to the fullest.
Not always easy to do, is it?
But she did inspire me to try by stopping to worry about my children and grandchildren because worrying does nothing to help them, by not wasting time and energy on small stuff like being stuck in traffic, like locking myself out of the house, like spilling food on a white blouse in a restaurant, and countless other irritants.
As the song says: Don’t worry, be happy. In short, go with the flow.