Life as Knitting
Recently I came across this poem by the famous poet, Anonymous. I’m sure you’ll agree that it’s a nice metaphor for life. After all, just like knitting, our lives are constantly changing and evolving, and this relentless motion colors our moods and emotions. We don’t know what the final piece will be, but one thing is certain, no matter who we are, it will be worth being on display for all to see.
Life is like knitting
God gives us the wool and the needles saying:
“Knit as best you can, one stitch at a time”
A stitch is one day on the clock of time
As you go, you knit one, you purl one
When stitches are dropped, they are worked back up
The wool we have been given is multicolored
Pink for our joys; black for our sorrows;
Gray for our doubts; green for our hopes;
Red for our love; blue for our desires;
And white for our faith.
How many stitches will we knit? Only God knows.
Summer is here, so I’m taking a few weeks off to enjoy it all. I’ll be back in August.