In the book, I found the section Staying Young especially interesting, and I share some of it below.
< - Stay young by remaining flexible, adaptable and open-minded. Do not permit your mental arteries to harden.
< - Stay young by continuing to grow. You do not grow old, you become old by not growing.
< - Stay young by keeping your mind alive and alert. Scientists have found that the ability to think does not decline with advancing age; the only difference may be a slight decrease in the speed of thinking.
< - Stay young by forcing your mind out of old ruts. See new places, read new books, try new hobbies. Increase the depth of your life.
< - Stay young by maintaining a cheerful attitude. Keep this verse from Proverbs in mind: A merry heart doeth good like medicine, but a broken spirit drieth up the bones.
- Stay young by keeping constructively busy.
< - Stay young by doing good. Work for worthy causes in your community.
< - The art of staying young depends upon staying youthful on the inside, in mind, heart and spirit in defiance of gray hair on the outside. The Fountain of Youth is within us.
Amen to that.