People don’t always say or write what they really mean or hear what is really being said.
Here are a few examples I’ve come across.
< - Special cocktails for ladies with nuts.
< - Your cat fell in the mud so I took it to the cleaners. (Hope she doesn’t wear it on her head!)
< - The bride and broom left in the snow. (And they’ll be able to clear it!)
< - Open 24/7. Hours of operation 7 am to midnight.
< - Do you want a copy? Thanks. I don’t drink coffee.
< - I think it’s important to have a pocket list. (Especially when you’re using a bucket.)
< - Open seven days a week and on weekends.
< - The doctor specializes in women and other diseases.
< - People of different sex, for example, men and women. (???)
< - Are you an adult who can’t read? Bring this coupon with you.
< - People are prohibited from picking flowers from any but their own graves.
< - Remark: Sir, your escalator is out of order. Reply: Madam, we only have stairs.
< - Approval for a third breast implant has been granted.
< - Our wines will leave you. (???)
< - So, you were gone until you returned?
< - If you don’t find your size, we’ll give it to you for free. (?)
< - Did he kill you?
< - A new carwash is going up on the next street. Good, I’ll be able to walk to it.
< - Potluck dinner Saturday night. Prayer and medication to follow.
< - Reservations required on arrival.
< - Families welcomed. Children under 12 not admitted.
And so it goes.