Whether you are thinking about retirement or are being ushered out by your employer, you have to know the rules. Just as you must learn the rules of any game, you must learn the rules of retirement if you are to make the most of it.
Many people view retirement as a vacation. In some ways, it is just that. But humans are creatures of habit. Without some sort of plan or schedule retirees may feel deprived of a sense of purpose.
The first rule is that you must know where you are going. The first few weeks, indeed the first few months of retirement, should in fact be a vacation. Take time to unwind, to sleep in if that suits you, or to visit family and friends that you may have neglected because of the demands of your work. However, it would be a mistake to plop yourself in front of the television and let it govern your life.
You may still have 40 years of living to do. Do you really want to spend it on the sidelines?
After expunging the stress of your working life from your body and your soul in the first few weeks of retirement while getting psychologically used to your newfound freedom, you will be ready to plan your future. And don’t forget that you now have 2,500 extra hours or so to fill each year. Time to plan the second half, the encore.
The future will be what you make it. Personally, I believe that people should really start preparing for retirement many years before it becomes a reality so it does not pop up suddenly and surprise the daylights out of them.
Consider what makes you the happiest and set your sails in that direction.