Wednesday, January 23, 2019

I hate January. There, I’ve said it.
The first month of the year is, as a rule, pretty nasty, but this year it’s darn right ludicrous. Normally, in the east when we are hit with lots of snow the temperature is not exceedingly cold. This year, we have just lived through difficult days when heavy snow was accompanied by miserably frigid thermometer readings. As everyone else, I am still trying to remove the frost from my soul!
When you’re young, a snow storm is a reason to celebrate. I remember that my brothers and I had a great time building snow forts for our snowball fights. When we came in, our cheeks were very rosy but I don’t remember our ever being cold. I enjoyed winter for years and went alpine skiing even in snowstorms as my grandchildren now do
There is no question that our bodies do change as the years pile on. Today, I do not accept snowstorms and extreme cold as I used to. Perhaps it’s part of the wisdom that accumulates with age as we strive to take good care of ourselves. Why risk freezing as we trudge through snow when we can be reading a good book while savoring a hot chocolate!
When it’s not too cold, I do still enjoy a good walk in the fresh air, but on days when a misty haze rises from the lake near my house, I know the temperature is not fit for man or beast.
But no matter the weather, dogs still need to step outside to respond to the call of nature and their owners have no choice but to go along. I did that for many years when Spencer was my beloved companion, but this January I feel sorry for those who must trek through the snow all bundled up as they walked with their pooch many of them wearing boots and coats. Are some of these dog owners tempted to question if they’d be happier with a cat? As a dog lover, my answer is a resounding no. Dogs are a great gift, no matter the weather, and it’s no surprise that dog spelled backwards is god.
This is my wisdom in this cold spell.