Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Plogging Anyone?

Now that spring is finally here, it’s time to rediscover the pleasure of walking, or jogging for those who still do, and see the beauty all around. That beauty can be in the tiny flowers that are starting to blossom or simply the newly green ground all around us.
            However, after the snow from the long winter has finally melted, the world we see as we walk is not always pretty. There are candy wrappers, disposable coffee cups, crumpled plastic and paper bags, and all other manner of trash people simply did not bother to dispose of properly. Like me, I’m sure you’ve seen people throwing garbage out of the windows of their car as they drive along, most of the time fast-food wrappers or paper cups. They could not be bothered to wait and throw it in a proper trash can or recycle it.
            There is a new craze to clean up this garbage which is called plogging. Originating in Sweden, the activity involves joggers picking up litter as they go along. But why not clean up the environment while staying fit by simply walking? And it is something we can do anywhere with our grandchildren to show them that we can all do our part for a better and cleaner environment, and teach them that rubbish impacts animals and our water supply.
            Why not also think of plogging this summer along shorelines while vacationing. If enough people get involved in cleaning up the environment, surely more and more people will be shamed into follow suit.
            Of course, you need to be prepared for plogging. To protect yourself, gloves are a must. Gardening gloves are ideal. Also you should carry a reusable and washable shopping bag, compostable bag or other small receptacle.  
            Happy plogging.