Redirecting to Positivity
It is widely known that negative feelings about aging can be self-fulfilling. But by making an effort to be more positive we can all have a long, happy life free of the fear of aging. One of the ways of doing this is certainly meditation.
Buddha was asked, “What have you gained from meditation. He replied, “Nothing! But let me tell you what I lost: anger, anxiety, depression, insecurity, fear of old age and of death.”
In short, meditation is the loss of negativity. It has been my personal experience that meditation does indeed bring a new perspective of life into the open.
Meditation can take many forms but it essentially eases all emotional tension. It means taking a peaceful mind break by engaging in contemplation and reflection to calm the whole being. Meditation can also mean putting some order in our feelings, examining the areas of our lives that need to be improved, or simply reflecting on the beauty all around us and the many reasons we have to be grateful.
By engaging in relaxation, contemplation and reflection negative thoughts are released and replaced with positivity. Then, positive affirmations help the mind concentrate on steps to be taken to be more at peace. Appreciation naturally follows as blessings are counted along with the countless joys and successes encountered every day.
Why should I be grateful? an acquaintance asked me a while back, adding that pain is almost constant in her life due to arthritis in her knees. When I invited her to join in my meditation group she shook her head and said it was hogwash. After I renewed my invitation a few times, she finally agreed no doubt to stop the pressure I was putting on her. In any event, after just a few times of redirecting her perspective of life, it was clear that she had changed her mind.
Now, even if her knees are still painful she smiles more and pays more attention to the many good things in her life. Talk about positivity!