I went into a grocery store a few days ago to get some necessities while wearing a mask and making sure I stayed at least six feet from other people. Most people I saw were wearing masks and social distancing as well, even the cutest guy who couldn’t have been older than two. He was helping his dad while wearing a mask suited to his face. He was learning at a young age that we live in society and that rules are needed.
I mean, drivers follow the rules of the road by stopping at red lights and traveling on the proper side of the road because if they didn’t they could kill themselves and others. Yet, some of these people refuse to follow the rule of wearing a mask during our pandemic because it infringes on their liberty. Does that mean that they are really okay with endangering their lives as well as those of others? Does that mean that at a time when the number of positive covid cases and deaths keeps climbing it is perfectly okay to spread the virus far and wide?
That’s certainly something I don’t understand at a time when the news which has been dire for so long may not be getting any better anytime soon. It seems that the younger generation feels it’s entitled to gather close to others while partying without wearing masks despite warnings from medical experts. They believe that if they get the virus it won’t be so bad because they are young, but doctors are now seeing serious long-term effects of the virus after people recover and warn that we don’t know everything about covid. Why would anyone still want to fight for perceived rights rather than make sacrifices now to protect their health in the long term?
It would certainly help the world come out of the darkness that has been assailing all of us for far too long now.