Wednesday, October 14, 2020


A Matter of Perspective

 After an accident that resulted in ruptured shoulder ligaments, my friend Wayne is in terrible pain these days. The doctor promises that he will heal fully, but of course since he is in the booming age range, he knows the recovery will be longer than if he were a younger man. However, he is philosophical about it. These things happen, he says, and you just have to go with it. He adds: when I am tempted to feel sorry for myself I think of all the children in hospital; a lot of them will not make it. That really sobers me up and I don’t complain.

Wayne told me this on a day when I was feeling sad for a variety of reasons, covid being high on the list. And his great way of looking at the problems that befall all of us as the years pile on made me take stock of my own troubles. Were they that serious? I may be afraid of coming down with the corona virus, but I don’t have it and I continue to be vigilant. Other problems can certainly be a pain in the posterior, but they are not permanent. I realized it was time to forget the bad and concentrate on the good.

           My grandchildren are certainly an especially wonderful blessing in my life, so what have I got to complain about? Many people will never know the joys of grandparenting, while others have simply been cut off from seeing their grandchildren for a variety of family problems. I feel very fortunate to be close to my own grandchildren and for being able to see them evolve and be there to love them.

They are delight in my life. But I know I am also important in theirs because when I asked my grandson what he considered the best thing about grandparents, he didn’t hesitate to reply: They know so much stuff!

Couldn’t have said it better myself.