January is Alzheimer Awareness Month
When you talk to people who have reached 50 many seem to worry about ending with dementia. Are they in danger of succumbing, they wonder. While we never know what the future holds, January is a good time to be aware of the many steps we can take to ensure that our brains remain healthy and vigorous for a long time.
It is especially important to be aware of the dangers of isolation in the current climate of covid. Staying home may keep us virus free but it can be unhealthy if we don’t find ways to interact with people. It is widely accepted that regular interaction with others lessens risks of developing dementia.
Video meetings are a blessing to see family members, even those who are very far away. That’s one of the marvels of our modern communication possibilities: we can see and interact with one another wherever we are.
And the internet is a wonder when it comes to finding ways of being socially connected. The array of possibilities is amazing. It is possible to live stream classes of all sorts, from languages to painting, and most things in between. One can join a vertical book club, play word games of all sorts or test personal skills against others in a variety of online games.
You may feel that online games are for kids, but I’m not so sure. They are certainly worth a try, and they may make you feel young again if you test yourself against younger players. Can you think of a more pleasant way to keep dementia at bay?