Wednesday, February 24, 2021


Forces All Around

Do you believe there is a force, a collective consciousness that unites all of us? I certainly do and I find that such a force might even become stronger as we age.

Many of what might be termed unusual occurrences occur often, but I think that we simply dismiss them. For example, we don’t pay much attention to such things as that while thinking of someone, that person calls, or we know before picking up the phone who is calling – without having seen the name display. Some say that the reason is that we are all subconsciously aware of higher level vibrations. After all, we all know that not all communication is actually heard or seen, don’t we?

I think mothers always know –- without being told – that one of their children is in trouble of one kind or another. Just as other people can send us messages they feel are important. A couple of years back, when I woke up one morning I knew I needed to call an old aunt who was living in an assisted living environment. When her phone was answered I learned that she had passed away in her sleep and that attendants had found her a short time before my call. I visited her as often as I could, and perhaps she put out a vibe to let me know right away that she was gone.

            I don’t think such things are just random occurrences. I believe that at our higher self we entwine through our thoughts with those around us especially those we care about. As long as we are open to it, of course.


Wednesday, February 17, 2021

New Words

I find it fascinating how the English language is ever evolving. In the last little while we have become familiar with new words and expressions because of the pandemic such as: social distancing; patient zero, and flatten the curve. Without forgetting the term remotely which is the opposite of in-person or face-to-face as workers and students interacted before covid.

            Also, among the words and expressions trending in 2021 there is: second gentleman (the husband of the female Vice President); binge watching (what a lot of isolating and bored people do--watch episodes upon episodes of the same program); using friend and unfriend as verbs contrary to what we learned in school all those years ago; hangray (being angry because of hunger); chillax (chill out and relax); no biggie (not a serious problem); chirpse (flirt).

            And, did you know what podcast meant until it began to be a popular method for anyone so inclined to offer comments on life, politics, etc?

            What about the cloud? It may sound mysterious but it is simply a service offered by tech companies for storing and accessing data on the internet rather than on a computer hard drive.

            What about neurodiversity? It means people being valued for their individual strengths. About time, I say.

            And a term that will surely become ever more in the news: net zero – a balance between greenhouse gas emissions produced and removed from the atmosphere. Let’s hope it’s something all nations will continue to strive to achieve.

            But, I hope not everyone is looking to polyamory as a way of life. What is it? (See last week’s blog). It’s the practice of non-monogamy with the consent of one’s spouse. A deliberate excuse for each partner to cheat??


Wednesday, February 10, 2021

The New Mores

Life certainly has changed in the last few decades when it comes to the ways of society. In my day, at the time dinosaurs roamed the earth, people who were not married did not have sex. It was a privilege reserved for those who were committed to each other. Essentially, people got married so they could have sex, and married quite young compared to today.

Now, of course it’s a race to see how soon in a relationship a couple will have sex.

            Societal mores began to change when couples dared live together before marriage, and that quickly progressed to couples having children before taking vows. The idea was: We’ll get married but only if it works out with the kids.

I’m quite certain that our ancestors must have been spinning in their graves!

            But as the world continues to evolve, today it is not surprising for couples to decide to be a family with children but never marry. Common law is the term, but I certainly remember my parents talking of people shacking up.

According to a woman I recently saw speaking on the subject of sex on television, the revolution has led to some couples having sex before their first date. Say what? In essence, she said, it means: If the sex is good I’ll treat you to dinner and we can decide if we want to continue the relationship. 

            Our ancestors must be spinning ever so faster!

            But wait. We’ve all heard of open marriages of course, but now there’s a new twist on that lifestyle. Some married people now push the limit of their relationship into non-monogamy territory in a novel way because they feel it is unfair to expect one partner to fulfill all their needs. Or so they say. How do they go about it? Both partners have other relationships which are pre-negotiated with their spouse. It is called polyamory. So, by mutual consent, the partners can then explore and enter into other relationships qualified as “full of care.”

What sets this polyamorous view apart from simple cheating is that there is much negotiating and everything is by mutual consent. The lifestyle includes inviting the additional partners to live with the married couple in what one man involved in polyamory calls a “growth experience.”

I don’t know about you, but it seems to me that this growth experience sounds like the perfect setting for murder! I mean, don’t tell me there won’t be some jealousy springing up in that house!

To say nothing of the murky legal aspects of such arrangements especially if children enter the picture.



Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Laughing at age 

While it might not always be easy, laughing is a sure cure for a lot of things, including feeling sorry for ourselves because of the number of years we have lived. So, here are some jokes which I hope will brighten your day.


She’s the life of the party if it last until 8 p.m.

I’m very good to opening childproof caps. I use a hammer.

I smile a lot because I can’t hear what you’re saying.

When a little boy asked his grandfather how old he was, the man replied: I’m not sure. The little boy told his grandfather to look in his underwear. “Mine says I’m 4 to 6.”

A grandson asked: Grandma, do you know how you and God are alike? Answer: You’re both old.

Grandparents are funny. When they bend over, you hear gas leak and they blame the dog.

A grandmother spent time with her grandchild teaching her colors. When the little girl was leaving she said: Grandma, you should try to figure out some of these colors yourself.

When a little boy learned that his grandfather was 80, he asked: Did you start at 1?

When does a little old lady say the f*** word? When another little old lady yells BINGO.

Some days the supply of available swear words is insufficient to meet my demands.


When I die, I want my last word to be: I left a million dollars in the ….