On Being Positive
People who must use walkers in their daily activities are often seen shopping, and they do it without problems. They have a bag at the front of the walker in which to deposit their purchases and thus can remain independent.
A few days ago as I was grocery shopping, I saw a lady pushing a walker down an aisle while also pulling a shopping cart. She had already deposited several items in the cart and was adding to her purchases. As it was a lot work for her, I offered to help. She smiled and replied: “Thank you, dear. You have your own shopping to do. I can manage. Do it all the time.”
I was really impressed by her positive attitude. I did the rest of my shopping slowly while keeping an eye on the woman. She managed well despite some physical limitation and has obviously learned to make the best of her situation to remain independent.
At the cash, the bag boy who knew her by name helped her to empty her cart, then carried her purchases to a waiting taxi. I wondered if someone would be waiting at home to help her with the groceries. No doubt the cabbie, who also seemed to know her, would do just that.
What I found nice was that through it all, she was pleasant and grateful. So much better than some people with mobility issues who seem to be always cursing their fate while complaining. Makes life so much less enjoyable for everyone.
A nurse I know told me recently that she takes grumpy patients to task for their attitude. She says that a positive outlook can have a positive effect on health, something she tries to instill in the patients who are rude.
And the amazing thing is that a smile costs nothing.