The Marvel of Grandchildren
I was visiting my son and his family when I had a fall with my face coming in direct contact with the hardwood floor. There was a lot of blood and a bump quickly appeared just above my nose, however an emergency room visit confirmed that there was no damage, except in my appearance. The big problem was that I soon looked like a racoon on a bender.
I was having breakfast with my son the next morning when my grandson appeared. He took one look at me and started to laugh. He had never seen two very black eyes on anyone before, and it tickled his fancy.
The boy had simply reacted to the reality before him: I did look funny. That’s the marvel of children, isn’t it? They say it like it is. No sugar coating, just the truth as they see it. We all need them in our lives.
To stay young we have to surround ourselves with our grandchildren as often as we can manage it. They see things simply, laugh easily, even at their grandparents, and don’t complicate things as we adults often do. It has been my experience that grandchildren make you smile and laugh, warm your heart and force you to be young, to sing, to be silly without any need to apologize. And grandchildren are nurtured by the love and attention of grandparents. People always remember fondly the time spent with their grandparents as they were maturing. Two generations that complement each other perfectly.
As Sam Levenson said: The simplest toy, one which even the youngest can operate is called a grandparent.
Don’t forget that this year Grandparents Day is September 11. (It’s always the first Sunday following Labor Day.) It honors grandparents for their contribution to our lives, and gives grandparents an opportunity to show love for their children's children. Let’s celebrate.