Wednesday, January 29, 2020

A Question of Age
As they say, age is just a number. Depending on how you define age, of course.
            Children say: He’s old; he’s 30. Teens say: My dad’s old; he’s 50. Boomers say: She’s not old; she’s only 65. People in their 90s see those in their 70s as spring chickens. Perspective, Perspective. Perspective.
            Definition of sixty: sixteen with wrinkles. Think about it. The body may be aging but we  still feel much younger inside, don’t we?
            The man had the right idea when he said: I’m 63 now, but that's just 17 Celsius.
            Recently, I heard two women chatting as they waited in line next to me at the grocery store.  One of them told the other that her granddaughter was about to graduate from university. That prompted the remark: Already? The answer: Yes, but my son is older than me! Loved that remark. The woman winked and smiled ear to ear as she said it.
            Made me think of my answer when I was asked my birth date recently. I answered that I was born on January 1, 2000. That stopped the man in his tracks. He smiled but didn’t know how to handle it. After a moment I could tell that he realized I was not going to tell him my age, so he continued as if it was surely the right date.
            Did you hear about the man who wanted his wife to drive more carefully? He told her that if she had an accident, her age would be included in the news report.
            One of my sisters has always lied about her age. We siblings all know it and accept it. Outsiders are baffled. One day when asked her age by a cousin my sister simply replied: I really don’t know. I’ve been lying about it for so long that I really don’t know how old I am.
Not a bad idea if you ask me.
           As the saying goes, age is a quality of mind. If you no longer look ahead then you’re old, but if from life you take the best, no matter how the birthdays fly, you are not old.
           A wise man I know says, you’re only as old as you think you are, so forget the number and think of yourself as chronologically gifted.
           I try to do just that, but I’m getting much too gifted much too fast!