Wednesday, May 13, 2020

After, Before
The media is commenting more and more on the way the world will function after the pandemic. The signs are everywhere that people will continue to keep themselves safe as the world reopens and that social distancing will be with us for a while after the virus is under control, or as under control as it can be.
            The world of after, that’s where the hope lies right now. We all dream of the day after the pandemic when we no longer need to fear our neighbors, our friends and even our family. When the world will no longer be a source of anxiety but rather an easy place to maneuver as it was before.
In the coming years people will look with nostalgia on the life we knew before. Young people will age and instruct their children on the world of before and after the pandemic, just like their ancestors recounted the before and after of wars.
            One thing that is clear is that the current pandemic has taught us how vulnerable older members of society can be and how many faced a lack of respect in senior residences. I predict that this will be a segment of society that will benefit after the pandemic. After all, those making the decisions right now realize full well that they too will reach their golden years faster than they ever realized. I see the end result as being more attention paid to those who have spent their lives building the world of before, a world where we grew, where we thrived.
            The world of after should evolve to be one where lessons learned in dark times will carry us to a better future, especially for those of us--all of us--who are aging.
At least let’s hope