The pandemic has certainly altered our lives, has it not? Now when we leave the house, we have to make sure we are taking our facial masks along and that we keep our distance from the people we see. It’s a must if we are to stay safe and conquer the virus once and for all. If you’re like me, you dream of the day you can finally socialize the way we all did before the enemy invaded our lives.
I think that we are all weary of the restraints the virus has put on our social lives. I know I am. While not so long ago I often visited my grandchildren and joyfully embraced them, now a few months into the pandemic we are all aware of the possible danger lurking in closeness. So family socializing is in the backyard or remote via video. Not too gratifying when you’d prefer hugging those you love.
But I console myself that we are fortunate to have communication devices that make it possible to see the faces of family members and friends far away, something that was not available in what seems just a few years ago.
Yet, despite the virus, life is still going on. Case in point, a couple of weeks ago I lost a filling, something that had to be attended to without delay. So I called my dentist who was still only seeing patients for emergency work. I was a little apprehensive since dental work is ultimately very close and personal.
Fortunately he made sure he protected himself and me by wearing a face shield over a mask in addition with gloves. He assured me that everything I would touch had been properly disinfected. After washing my hands, I had to gargle with a special formula and the work went ahead. While I don’t especially cherish going to the dentist, I was happy that my tooth was quickly repaired and I left grateful for all the precautions that kept me safe.
Where there’s a will, there’s a way as the adage says. There is no reason life cannot proceed despite the virus if we manage any possible danger.