Going Forward
As I said last week, there is no reason life cannot begin to go forward despite the virus if we manage the dangers. After essentially spending a lot of my time in quarantine since the start of the pandemic, my hair was in dire need of professional TLC so I called my regular hair salon. My favorite hairdresser was happy to hear from me and I made an appointment after being assured that all the necessary measures to disinfect everything in the place were being taken. I and all the other clients would be protected from covid.
I was wearing my mask and used a hand sanitizer upon entering as I do everywhere I go these days. My hairdresser was also wearing a mask and provided me with a light clear plastic cape instead of the heavier type we have all experienced at salons or barbers. This, she explained, is another precaution for keeping clients safe because these light capes are used only once then discarded.
As she got busy cutting and styling my hair, she recounted the hardship of being out of work for a few months. But, she added, things are slowly going forward as more and more people are again calling because they need help with their hair.
About time, I say. I was pretty tired of seeing the hair of the guys on television getting longer and longer. Now they again look like they used to look before the virus. It’s comforting to see that things are somewhat normalizing after a rather significant bump in the road of life.
We are going forward but not necessarily as before. My hairdresser confided that two of her regular clients caught the virus and did not survive. While she found it rather distressing she said that all those who have remained safe, like she has, should be very grateful to have been spared.
Amen to that.