A Real Winner
While watching the evening news a few days ago, I saw an interview with a man who had just won a huge amount of money in a lottery draw – more than 70 millions. He was besieged with the usual question: What are your plans for the money? The man replied: I will be donating it to Ukraine to help them rebuilt.
What a refreshing notion! Normally lotto winners talk of trips, buying property, travel, and the like. Not this latest winner. He wanted his winnings to do something very positive for others. All those who bought tickets in the draw can feel good that their contributions will have a positive effect.
Many years back I knew a family who won more than 30 million dollars in a lottery draw. I remember that some family members had put money in a pot and that several tickets were purchased. For some reason, the winnings were not divided the way they should have been which resulted in much dispute. Lawyers were involved and eventually courtroom drama. The end result was that the family ended up with a fraction of the original money won. How sad.
Winners of large amounts of money often end up with nearly nothing because of bad decisions. I suppose if you never had much money and suddenly ended up with millions, you might go a little bonkers and not think too clearly. Certainly contrary to the winner who will donate his millions to Ukraine.
Summer is finally here! Glorious weeks set aside to enjoy the good weather. It is a shame that some people lose that joyful elation over the years, but it’s never too late to change our way of thinking. I, for one, intend to celebrate life to the fullest in the coming weeks with family and friends and generally making it a point to do things that will take me out of my usual rut so I can move to a new tune for a while.
I am therefore taking a break, and will get back to my blog in August. Remember: you don’t stop laughing because you grow old; you grow old because you stop laughing.
Have a great summer!