What a Summer!
Like many people I am back to my routine after taking a break, something everyone needs. But even if you were far away for a while, there’s no way you could have avoided how climate is affecting people everywhere around the globe. There’s no way climate-change deniers can continue to preach that all is well and that people are exaggerating the damage being thrown at our planet. The summer is only half over yet we’ve seen all sorts of climate disasters from life-taking floods to fires that destroy forests and communities, from the highest recorded temperatures some regions have ever seen to once fertile land now so desolate no vegetation can grow. One thing I saw on the news and could not believe was a river of water in the desert. My question: Do we still have time to repair the damage? While most people are involved in doing their part, be it through composting, recycling, etc. we still have a lot to do. Almost everywhere single-use plastic bags are now banned and people bring their own reusable bags when they go shopping. No one is complaining even if they didn’t think it was feasible when the idea was first floated. How many fewer plastic bags are ending up in our rivers and oceans? As they say: It’s all good.
It is, and we, humans, can adapt to lots of things if we set our minds to it especially if we all work together. Let’s hope we can rely on each other to do the right thing.