Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Invest in Our Planet


Every year April 22nd is Earth Day, a time when the human race is urged to examine how it can modify its action faced with the degradation of the planet. Earth Day had a modest beginning in 1970 when U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson from Wisconsin invited students to implement projects to sensitize their communities to the needs of the environment. Since then, the warnings from scientists have become more and more dire as our actions have brought us closer to a point of irreversibility. But there is reason to be optimistic because we are changing our ways and becoming more and more engaged in our efforts to heal the earth.

However older folks have always been proud to point out that they were green before it became a fashionable modern-day virtue. Little was thrown away; things were reused, recycled. But with after-war posterity life changed.  Cars became long and pink as gas was selling for about 25 cents a gallon. So we fell in love with automobiles not thinking about their growing impact on the air we breathe.

As in the past, this year Earth Day events will be taking place across the globe with the theme “Invest in Our Planet.” If you are keen to get involved without attending an official event, you might do your part in the following ways:

1.     Instead of driving, cycle or take public transport

2.     Avoid one-use  disposable cups

3.     Make sure to recycle

4.     Go paperless as much as you can

5.     Take reusable bags to the store for your purchases

6.     Plant a tree

7.     Go meat or dairy free at least once a week

8.     Carry a reusable water bottle

9.     Grow your own fruit and vegetables.

10.                        Buy local produce

Each of us should give priority to “greening” our world.  We should be involved in our respective communities and pressure decision makers so that economic development includes environmental protection.                                            Every day should Earth Day.