April Fool
I don’t know about you, but I think spring is playing a trick on us this year. Looking outside my window as I write this, snow is falling – again – which has me convinced that the season has decided that, although it’s more than a week old, it should play an April fool joke on everyone. It’s not very funny as far as I am concerned. I mean I had put my winter boots away relying on my short rubber ones to get me through the spring thaw.
Looking up the street yesterday at the piles of snow accumulated into a huge hill over the last few months, I was wondering how long it would take for all of it to melt. My neighbor reassured me that I shouldn’t worry because, she said, it would be all gone for the July celebrations in the park. Nice to know!!
We all complain about the weather although we can’t do a darn thing about it. When seasonal changes bring unexpected weather, I find it’s a good time to tackle closets and inventory the clothes we’ll need for the new season. It is therapeutic to examine our clothes and get rid of what we no longer wear even when we’re sure that style will come back soon or that sweater will fit once again before long. What delusions we cling to! Of course, in my case, I usually hang on to clothes that I’ve especially enjoyed wearing or that remind me of a special event, so getting rid of them is not always easy.
But I reward myself by buying something new for the season ahead, something that says today. Mind you, a piece of clothing that may say today today could very well say yesterday tomorrow, so I try to shop for classic lines rather than trendy looks that may not last for more than a season. That way I hope to have fewer pieces of clothing to get rid of in next seasonal changes.
Spring weather may take its time getting here, but it doesn’t mean we can’t dream of the hot weather just around the corner and have our clothes all ready.
Happy Spring!